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Personal Coaching

Human Needs

What are your current human needs?


How are you spending your time?

Financial Freedom

The most important thing is to not focus on money.

Strength & Development

What makes you strong can often make you weak.

The beginning. Always start at the beginning.

Let's focus on where you began; traits, behaviours and some of the influences that might make you who you are.

It's important to understand the varied factors that have led to our present-day characters. I believe that we should never underestimate our individual experiences of growing up. Growing up could mean as an adolescent, or it could mean last week. We are always growing. It's with this in mind that we can begin to assess what pushes you in certain directions. What makes you want to do the things you wish to do? What are your fears and what are your drivers? It may seem a little cliché, but sometimes our strengths really are our weaknesses and often these features can be linked to certain triggers set in our formative years.

Reassessing our pre-conditioned traits is a detailed approach, but the only real goal is one of greater understanding. We need to understand what your personal core drivers are, dig into your natural needs and reassess your underlying wants as a human.

"What's the first thing you remember?"

Need does not really concern money, cars, holidays, luxury watches and the likes. Need is a much deeper and more natural human condition. Some of us have never really questioned our true needs, as we’re distracted by all the secondary needs that seem to be thrust at us on a daily basis. While financial security is a want that most of us share, preoccupation with money alone can lead us on a destination where the end point is not something that will make us truly happy.

Maybe you love being creative with others, reading, experiencing the world and seeking personal growth. We must remember that money is a vehicle to a destination, and only when we enjoy contributing on that journey can we appreciate our arrival.

Desired outcomes from the session

Understanding the key triggers embedded in you since childhood.

The feelings you’ve attached to them and why.

What you wish to let go of and what you want to keep hold of.

What makes you fulfilled and gives you happiness?

"You should only be paying for experience and learning, not for noise."

How to spend your time effectively.

168 sessions allow us to focus on how you actually spend your time. All too easily we can get caught up in the frenzy of day to day living, imagining that we are being efficient when in reality we are anything but.

Do you spend a lot of time trying to figure out how you can make more money? Do you try and plan your time with the chief intention of making more money? This is a common trait for lots of us, but by assessing how we spend our time it’s clear that this approach can often be totally counter-productive.

I used to do exactly this, but no matter how effective I thought I was being with my time I still felt unfulfilled and as if I wasn’t progressing. When we use our time with a focus on making money, thinking money leads to happiness, we’re ironically deciding to spend less time doing the things that actually make us happy in the moment. How we spend the 168 hours of our week is central to both happiness and efficiency.

"What's the most important thing to spend your time on?"

Using information about your human needs from the previous session we quantify your true priorities, understanding how we can fit this into your week. By reflecting on the successfully and unsuccessful methods you’ve used before we can create a plan for the future. Money can be lost and made. Understanding how to spend your time efficiently is more important because time can only be lost and never made back.

Spend your time on what makes you happy. Reflect, monitor, manage and be aware.

Desired outcomes from the session

Understanding how you currently spend your time through a percentage breakdown in which work, life admin and time connecting are calculated.

Understanding where you wish to spend your time from now on.

Plan how to reflect on this and alter/adapt on a weekly basis.

Understanding and remembering what truly makes you fulfilled and gives you happiness.

"Wellbeing for your business to keep you reassured."

What does a financial 'blue sky' look like to you?

This fully confidential session focuses on reality versus the dream.

Scrutinising the ways in which you currently apportion your money can lead to less waste, altered mindsets and reduced stress levels.

What do you spend your money on right now? What money do you actually need to live and what does the ideal financial future (blue sky) look like to you? Many people are surprisingly unaware of just how much cash they waste. By reducing unconsidered spending and reforming ingrained habits we can see a clearer financial picture.

"It may seem irrational, but the most important thing is to not focus on money!"

During this session a financial breakdown document is created. Reviewed on a monthly basis, this ensures your financial aims are kept on track. Our monthly 'Accountability Session' is a way of reviewing all the targets and metrics that you previously chose to prioritise. This should allow you to have a more relaxed approach to your finances for the remaining part of the month, freeing up time to focus on your human needs. I believe that focusing on core outcomes, rather than every penny, leads to success, while stressing about money on a daily basis can lead to a traumatic existence.

Let’s take some of the weight from your shoulders. Ensure that you’ve planned for the future, so you can enjoy the now.

Desired outcomes from the session

Understanding how you currently spend your money.

Plan how to save and organise for the future... or perhaps even not.

Understanding how/where you wish to spend your money going forward.

Understanding and remembering what truly makes you fulfilled and gives you happiness.

"A haven for you and your business."

That’s just the way I am, said the successful person (never).

Sometimes we say "well, that’s just the way I am", but it’s a phrase rarely used by highly confident, fulfilled and 'successful' people. We must remember that success is relative. When we understand our core drivers, we can recognise that what may constitute success for one person is vastly different for another. But personal success can only be attained when we realise that we all have traits we can improve upon. With focus on your strength and development areas, these sessions will allow you to reflect on traits you may think are inherent to you, in order to assess and advance. Firstly, we create a matrix to mark your development areas. We are then able to review these in your accountability sessions.

"What makes you strong can also make you weak."

Information from this session allows greater understanding of how your strengths can impact your development areas. What I mean by this is that, for example, you may be a very driven person but in your driven approach sometimes forget about those people of importance around you. So, we could create a scale with ‘driven’ at one end and 'focus' at the other. From here we can concentrate on the vacillations of this scale, allowing you to find an ideal balance which is reviewed on a quarterly basis. It’s always valuable to remember that knowing what may be wrong is even more important than what’s going well, and reappraisals are a great way of keeping this positive and progressive.

Desired outcomes from the session

Understanding what your strength and development areas are.

Understanding what improvements are to be made through a scoring matrix.

Plan how to reflect on this and alter/adapt on a quarterly basis.

Understanding and remembering what truly makes you fulfilled and gives you happiness.

"Reassurance for you and your business."

Human Needs

What are your current human needs?

one-off price



How are you spending your time?

one-off price


Financial Freedom

The most important thing is to not focus on money.

one-off price


Strength & Development

What makes you strong can often make you weak.

one-off price
